Back to the root...origin of dance
The natya shastra created by sage Bharata we all know this. But why this shastra is to be created? For the answer we have to go million year's ago. When the sage Bharata was asked by his fellows to explain the origin of Natyaveda , he replied that after the golden age and during the silver age the people of the world had strayed from a righteous path, and become subject to greed, jealousy & anger, so that their " happiness mixed with sorrow." The gods then asked Brahma to devise a fifth veda which could be seen as well as heard & which would belong to all the people, since the shudras were forbidden to listen to recitations of the four vedas. So Brahma agreed to creat fifth veda which include, " duty, wealth, as well as fame and contain good counsel...." Which would be enriched by the teaching of all the scriptures and give a review of all arts and crafts. Bharata's natyashastra translated by Manmohan ghosh After creation Br...